Category: Uncategorized
Looking forward to 2025 and puppy availability!
10 September 2024 You might think it early to be thinking about the new year – but in the dog world? We think in terms of trimesters, especially as breeders. CH Lillibet is off her food and clearly, her breedings took. She appears to be pregnant and I’ve calculated her anticipated due date as October…
Yvette is DEFINITELY pregnant with pups sired by the Swiss Prince!
2 August 2024 Tomorrow, I’m off to visit Kensington friends, two fellow Tibetan Terrier breeders and three stud dogs who have my name on them, either as sole owner or co-owned with another TT breeder. It will be a fun trip and well deserved, after being homebound with my pack of Kensington kids since May.…
I just had to share this . . .
Received this, in my early morning email . . . Hi Wendyll, Hope all is well. I believe Amachi was the last pup born you said. Well the best was last one out. Had our first teen dog class last night. Only 4 pups in the class, great trainer. Amachi never took her eyes off…
What do I feed MY dogs?
19 May 2024 Everyone knows – well, not always do the newbies know! But everyone ELSE knows that if you ask ten people in the dog world a question about dogs, you get eleven different answers. Even I might give two different answers on two different days, because there’s no manual that is ultimately timely…
Puppies expected over Valentine’s Day!
9 February 2024 There’s nothing more exciting than when love is in the air. And for some? The thought of pregnancy isn’t exactly at the top of their list – but for others? We anticipate the news with excitement and hope. Well, we’re way past that! We had the breedings in December; and a few…
Valentine’s Day puppies – can you stand it? ;>)
20 January 2024 Wow. First post of 2024. Amazing that it’s been almost four years since New England shut down because of COVID. Julius (CH Enchanter Kristof Erbosedition) was brought into the States in June 2020, right in the middle of COVID. And now? He is just one point away from his GRCH Conformation title…
Our current availability of puppies and adult Tibetan Terriers
19 August 2023 Thank you for your interest in Kensington Tibetan Terriers and my breeding program. At this time, all of the Tibetan Terriers from Claire Coppola’s RinChen breeding program have been placed. There are no adult dogs available and both six month old male puppies have been successfully re-homed. There is one female puppy…
Introducing Ink and Coco Chanel . . .
11 June 2023 It’s amazing, and true! We have two Tibetan Terriers available: a two and a half year old female and a five month old male puppy. A friend and fellow breeder reached out to me and asked whether I might be able to find homes for two of her younger Tibetan Terriers. And…
Happy Holidays and May it Snow!
21 December 2022 Yvette’s puppies are making their squeaky puppy noises in their whelping pen, as they nurse in the middle of this night at 3:48am. She’s a first timer and very much likes my being in the room with her, whether I’m sleeping on the floor, sitting with her doing her hair or helping…
Navigating uncharted waters with only a compass
12 April 2022 Breeding animals of any kind is not for the faint of heart. Let’s start there. Situations present themselves and require one’s immediate and complete attention. This can happen, both in the whelping pen or in a pet owner’s environment. One of the things most important to me, when reviewing an application for…