5 September 2021
Well, the sense I get is that the time is nigh to ramp up our safety precautions and I sincerely believe that it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’m wearing my mask when indoors with people I don’t know and when I work at the wine shop. Gosh, I look forward to the time when we will look back on these curious times.
But in the meantime, we’re planning two get togethers later this month for all of our Kensington peeps & doggies. We want to do this, as long as everyone has safety in mind. Two lovely Kensington families in Rhode Island and Connecticut have offered to host play dates and we welcome anyone and everyone who has a Kensington Tibetan Terrier in their family or otherwise has a connection with our little community.
September 18 at 12pm in Rhode Island and September 19 at 12:30pm in Glastonbury, CT; that’s the plan. If you’d like to RSVP in the affirmative? Please reach out to me by email at wendyll.behrend@gmail.com I’ll forward your emails to the hosts and they’ll provide details. We’d like very much to have an easy outdoor picnic and ask that you bring a personal favorite of something to share at the table – we’ll have drinks – and the fun is scheduled to start at lunchtime.
Know that this post will be deleted, once the get togethers have happened, as there’s really no need for posts of this sort to be in the Kensington library. I’m protecting everyone’s privacy, as some of you have very curious email addresses and I’ve no idea who you might be!
So, here’s to a well deserved holiday weekend! Enjoy the extra day off, love your kids, your dog and the humans with whom you choose to share your life. Every day is special. Make the most of each one! This is the lesson that I have learned from my Kensington kids.
We hope to see you at one of these play dates.
Happy Holiday Weekend!
Yours truly,