9 February 2024
There’s nothing more exciting than when love is in the air. And for some? The thought of pregnancy isn’t exactly at the top of their list – but for others? We anticipate the news with excitement and hope.
Well, we’re way past that!
We had the breedings in December; and a few weeks later, the girls went off their food, as they do – and then? The weight gain began and we had our first XRAYs today to count skeletons. And what did Dr. Cindy see? SEVEN little ones growing very nicely and anticipated to make their way into the world next week.
While we have completed applications with deposits on the clipboard for these puppies, science is showing us that we have a real chance for additionally available puppies in later April 2024. Our second girl will have her XRAY on Valentine’s Day and based upon what she gave us in her first litter? Her weight gain indicates at least as many puppies as in her last litter. My money’s on at least SIX more puppies to join us later next week.
If you are interested in a Kensington Tibetan Terrier puppy, you may email me: wendyll.behrend@gmail.com to introduce yourself and tell me a little about your experience in the breed – or in other breeds, if you are new to Tibetan Terriers. Applications are available and can be emailed for your review. I will know more about availability, after the puppies have “landed”, so to speak. It is only after true vigor and health are determined that I can begin assessing puppies for their new homes’ requests for natural behavioral orientations, coat color, pattern and gender. Once I know that I have the necessary number for these applications plus a couple more for wiggle room and for those people who wish to participate in their own puppy selection? I can begin the study of the litter and the fun truly begins for me.
The ride has started and as always, I am very excited to begin my work (and a little nervous). I can only do my best work, when everyone shares their details with me and the puppies have a safe, warm and quiet environment to begin their lives with me and their mum, aunties and uncles to guide and protect them.
Aunties are poised in the wings to help, when it’s their turn. Questa’s ready to help keep them clean and safely entertained. And Romeo and Roxy are with Rebecca Bradley, Kensington’s handler, working toward the last few points each need for their first CH titles in Conformation. It is an exciting time and we look forward to sharing future news with you here at www.kensingtontibetans.com
Thanks for your interest in Kensington Tibetan Terriers!
Yours very truly,
Wendyll Behrend.