Kensington Tibetan Terrier puppies next available in January/February 2025

16 September 2024, 12pm EST

WB in the Maple Street kitchen with her girls. 6 August 2017.

Hello and welcome!

We are making progress, here at Kensington Palace.  As you will see from the graphic design of my site, something is amiss – but I believe we’re on the right track.

The ‘theme’ I originally chose in WordPress that was modified by my IT guy has become obsolete.  As an obsolete theme, we needed to select a different theme that was contemporary, in an effort to get the content of my site back up and sort of running.

I seem to have lost the FAQ page and it might come back!  And I seem to have lost the NEWS page with all of my blog posts over the last six or so years.

If you’d like to receive my future posts, please consider signing up for these via Substack and ignore the references to contributing money!  Use this link: (  It is my plan to get the Kensington Tibetan Terrier web site back to how it functioned before, but with a fresh look.

And now?  To the introduction!

Thank you for your interest in Kensington Tibetan Terriers.  We’ve been in the breed since 1992 and began our breeding program in 2006 with the acquisition of our foundation pair of Tibetan Terriers from Nina Wagner of Shalimar.  Nina passed away in 2016.  We all miss Nina, but she lives on in the foundation bloodlines with which I began my breeding program in 2006.

However, since our beginning?  We have outcrossed with TTs from Claire Coppola of RinChen in Colorado and imported gorgeous boy TTs from Markus Gisslen of Shadeacre in Sweden, Veronika Kucerkova of Erbosedition in Slovakia and most recently?  A stunning male brought into the US and bred by Mme. Brigitte Roy of Kundali in Switzerland in early spring 2023.  Through Kundali Romeo Kensington Edition, we will be adding Kundali and Sun Kosi bloodlines to some of what I’ve produced.  Slowly and carefully, I test new bloodlines with multiple breedings to see what they might produce, before I keep any of the offspring for potential use in my Kensington breeding program.  Genetic diversity is necessary for genetic health and Kensington Tibetan Terriers is committed to health, proper structure, genetic testing and great temperament.

Would’ya look at those gams? Thighs of a hockey player on our GRCH CH Kensington’s Pic, Pic, Piccolo! Yogi x Ziva, 2017.

If you want to have some fun?  Go to YouTube and search for Kensington Tibetan Terriers videos.  My goals include producing healthy, gorgeous, happy puppies who meet the accepted American Kennel Club breed standard.  The British standard includes puppies with heights at the withers of 13″ to 14″ and I do not seek to breed Tibetan Terriers who are that small at maturity.  However, there is variety in every litter and often, a ‘smallest’ and a ‘largest’ puppy who may or may not mature that way.  Crystal balls are not perfect!  I match Kensington puppies to applicant homes, according to personality aspects demonstrated early on, gender, coat color and pattern – but always, for good reason.  We prefer to breed and raise Tibetan Terrier puppies for folks already in the breed but respect families seeking to change breeds.  Regardless, our application will allow you the opportunity to clarify what it is you seek and why.  Your answers will serve as a guide to me, as I study future puppies with your family’s lifestyle and dog experience in mind.

The epitome of joy!
Leo and Molly, 25 March 2020.

Know that in addition to completed paper applications, visits to my home are also required as part of the application process.  With Covid in our past, we learned to use for video calls in lieu of 3D visits and they can be arranged if you live outside of ‘driving distance’ from Stowe, Vermont.  And if you are seriously interested in and willing to wait for a Kensington Tibetan Terrier, you are more than welcome to contact me and request an application.  I am also happy to discuss your personal situation by phone or email.

The puppies from our spring 2024 litters are all happily ensconced in their forever homes all across the country.  Two went to unrelated families in Seattle, another went to New Orleans, two others went to the Lexington, KY area – another to Chicago.  Gosh, folks flew and I flew and others drove and I even met a family in Buffalo.

If you’d like to participate in puppy selection for yourself or your family?  You are welcome to do so – but – it will require a minimum of two visits to my home and between 6/8 weeks of age of the potentially available pups.  There is good reason for this and I remain happy to discuss, should you like to know more.

Yogi (Questa’s sire) and Annabel (of Indiannabel Bones fame). Enjoying summertime together on the courtyard porch. Maple Street; July 2018.

GRCHS Kensington’s Questa o Quella? returned to Stowe in September 2021, after three years out on the show circuit.  He is out of Yogi and Billie and demonstrates such terrific personality, easy care coat and athletic grace – just wait until you meet him.  Questa’s wins include two Westminster Award of Merit medals, Group 1s, Group 2s, Group 3s, Group 4s and countless Best of Breed wins in the US.  His gorgeous daughter CH Kensington’s E. Lilli, the 1st by Q is his second AKC Conformation Champion, having earned her first title in March 2022.  We bred Lilli in August 2024 and also expect to be breeding Coco in September 2024.  We remain hopeful that we will have Coco puppies available in early 2025.

Remember Vidal Sassoon? Total Pipes with Holly, her daughter. 17 Feb 2021.

The most important thing to me is the quality of individual handling & care each puppy receives from me during their first ten weeks of life.  This is why I plan no more than three litters in any calendar year.  My personal life and mental health have value, too!  More than three litters in a year usually means less than an ideal amount of time off for yours truly.  And in order for me to be able to maintain my standards for cleanliness, organization and social stimulation in my own life?  It is best that we breed fewer and not more puppies than folks seek from me.  This way, folks often have to wait – but this also means that they can plan, prepare and be ready for the 24/7 attention a new canine family member deserves.

Unlike some breeders, I do welcome applicants who have specific wishes and wants in their next Tibetan Terrier and the more ‘wishes & wants’?  Unfortunately, the longer you (usually) have to wait – but if you’re willing to wait?  You are welcome to email me at or telephone to share your story.  We require previous dog owning experience and do not offer our puppies to first time dog owners.

You see, the Tibetan Terrier is a breed known for its keen intelligence, intuitive nature and athleticism.  Something like a six year old child, puppies can be challenging to one’s need for control!  I have found that they are best ‘managed’ with redirection/distraction and they excel at clicker training, agility and games.  I know that if I am planning on keeping a puppy from a litter?  I had better not have ANYTHING planned for at least six months.  IMHO, it takes a minimum of six months of attention invested in a puppy, in order to train an animal with longterm social success in mind.  And I don’t start counting until the animal is at least eight weeks of age.

Kensington’s handler Rebecca Bradley with GRCHS Kensington’s Questa o Quella?  In the ring at Westminster, 11 February 2019.  Competed again at Westminster in June 2021 and won a second Award of Merit medal.

If you’d like to read more about what’s been on my mind over the last few years?  Use the menu above, click on About Us and then, click through to What We’re All About. 

If you’ve submitted an application and want to introduce yourself to other Kensington peeps?  Ask to join our private group page on Facebook: Wagging Tales at Kensington.  There, you will have the opportunity to meet some new Kensington friends and share a story or two.  As a private page, I review each request to join the group and if I do not recognize your name?  I will MESSAGE you to ask a question or two.  We don’t welcome bots and they really do exist.

When asking to join the group, there are several questions you’ll need to answer.  Know that this is a private page and a forum for real live peeps waiting for or who already have Kensington Tibetan Terriers.  It’s a terrific place to ask questions, share veterinary references, training experiences and set up play dates.  I do use geographical information when deciding with whom and where to place a puppy, as it has proven valuable to have littermates living nearby for play dates, especially during life with Covid.

Two month old Campari in the courtyard garden. Summer blooming Turk’s Cap lilies start blooming in August – but I hate those red lily beetles!

There is HUGE VARIETY in the style and quality of care each breeder utilizes in the breeding and rearing of their puppies.  You should explore other breeders, Because you should want to find the best fit for your family; someone who will be there to support you over the years, if you need guidance or a second opinion. You might think a visit to Kensington Palace is cumbersome and might question the value.

Visits help us all to get clear on whether we want to work together in the breeding and rearing of your next family member. Because frankly? I might not be the breeder for you.  I take a collaborative approach.  The physical, psychological and emotional work I put into the study & evaluation of each puppy requires that I find some sympatico/sympatica between myself and the potential forever family.  It’s not just about ‘selling a puppy’.  It’s about placing the right Tibetan Terrier puppy with the right family, so that everyone is set up for success over the long haul.  I require the first right of refusal, should anything happen and your Kensington kid require re-homing.  You will need to agree and sign a contract with this detail clearly spelled out.  I do not ever want any of my Kensington bred & raised Tibetan Terriers ending up in ‘rescue’ and I ask that you respect my longterm commitment to the health and well being of each puppy bred here at Kensington.

Magnolia with the family’s application for a Kensington Tibetan Terrier puppy in 2020. Actually turned into an application for retiring brood bitch Koko.

Traditionally, I use repeat breedings to ensure that I know what will be produced in our litters and to work toward consistency in what I produce. If I breed a pair of animals two or three times and the offspring are all similar? I know that I can pretty much depend upon those animals ‘breeding true’. We try to keep our surprises to a minimum! Then, when it’s time for an outcross? I can better evaluate what I get and why.  There were differences in the first two litters sired by Julius and clearly, they came as a result of the differences in the dams.  I study these differences, similarities and make notes for future review.  My spreadsheets offer comparisons and analyses of all litters to date, with deviations noted from cumulative averages and specific details for each sire, dam and puppy.

What we do for our doggies. Littermates enjoying Crane’s beach in Massachusetts. 2021.

If you’d like to read more about what we do and why we do it? Please use the menu above, click on About Us and then, click through to What We’re All About . . .

Thank you for your interest in Kensington Tibetan Terriers and my breeding program.  We take genetics, pedigrees and temperament very seriously.  I hand raise every puppy and breed for conformation to the breed standard, brains, beauty & sweetness of temperament.  Mature sizes vary, coat colors vary but husbandry practices, cleanliness & health do not.  I love what I do.  Welcome to my world.  ;>)
