Category: Uncategorized
Grooming tools for next year’s stocking stuffers and ‘some of my favorite things’
Now that we’re into the New Year, the pressure is off. The holidays are behind us, my kitchen is finally clean and it’s time for re-grouping. I’ve figured out the trophies for our next Bay Colony Tibetan Terrier Club supported entry in Springfield, Massachusetts on April 7, 2018 and, on occasion, ordered ‘one for me’. …
The tragedy of breeder rescue situations
9 November 2017 We have them in every breed: situations where things have gotten out of hand, the animals are neglected and somehow, the humans don’t see it; won’t admit it; and resist help. And there is no need for me to include a photo similar to what we see on the television during the holiday…
There’s more to life than dogs. Really!
10 September 2017 This post has been inspired by the imminent change in season up here in Vermont. And it has been equally inspired by a visit to the Stowe Farmer’s Market today. When temperatures shift and the early morning weather requires Patagonia, Arcteryx or the like, our faces wear smiles in Vermont. We do…
Let’s talk AIs (Artificial inseminations)
9 July 2017 Last night I brought my new friend Lynne Fardell to a gallery opening at West Branch in Stowe. I’ve enjoyed and supported this gallery, since they opened. It’s Chris and Tari’s and I’ve brought sculpture, paintings and stone into my home from their wonderful gallery. I love living with art. My art,…
The value of hope
13 June 2017 It’s not anyone’s birthday, today. It was our latest litter of Tibetan Terrier puppies’ birthday, yesterday. Happy birthday, little ones! And boy, did these puppies take their own sweet time making their way into the world. ;>) Time is a gift. To have spare time, to share time with a friend; both…
We didn’t have to wait terribly long . . .
9 January 2017 Last night, the night began as expected, but did not end as we had thought it would. The lovely Ziva went from general discomfort and confusion to all out labor in about half an hour. Of course, it was minutes after our most wonderful midwife extraordinaire left for her home – and…
Progesterone Testing, at the other end of the cycle
23 January 2017 The pace of Ziva x Yogi’s puppies’ growth has been steady, since they were born. We have seven two week old puppies, averaging just a little over a pound in body weight. Mr. Phelps is the biggest at 20 ounces and Rio is the smallest, at just under one pound. Their coats…
Waiting for the inevitable . . .
8 January 2017 So, here we sit. It’s 4pm and I am in the AGA room in the antique end of the house with the lovely Ziva and her rotund belly, sweet Kodi, our rambunctious Lily Rose and ‘ever ready for a nose dive into the couch’ Oliver. We await the arrival of Ziva’s first…
How we raise our Tibetan Terrier puppies
We are all well up here and Gigi’s six puppies are hovering around two pounds – so, it’s time for their first deworming treatment. I use Nemex II, a gentle de-wormer, on a 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 week schedule on the puppies . . . usually, beginning at the 2 week mark –…
The first two weeks are the EASY ones!
27 April 2016 Early in the morning on April 18th, six robust and healthy Kensington Tibetan Terrier puppies were born here in Stowe, Vermont. Four males and two females out of Gigi x Oskar, a repeat breeding of what we did in 2014. All have forever homes and I believe I’ll be keeping one of…