I just had to share this . . .

Received this, in my early morning email . . .

Hi Wendyll,
Hope all is well.  I believe Amachi was the last pup born you said.
Well the best was last one out.
Had our first teen dog class last night.  Only 4 pups in the class, great
Amachi never took her eyes off of me.  The trainer remarked, that is the sign
of true bred champion, it’s in her genes, comes from the parents.
I have had an issue with leash aggression because I believe when we walk
I have found a gorgeous cemetery near me with gardens etc.
We zen out & our walks are like meditation.  Not a lot of dog interaction.
That being said, off leash in class she was totally ready to play.
She had a pretemperment test before class & did well.

When we got home about 7:30pm last night she went right to the bedroom
& put herself to bed.😄😄😄😄😄
My only issue this morning?  She does not want her kibble she’s holding out
for the treats she had last night.  Oh well, dinner at 4 pm.

Amachi is a true testament to your dedication to these pups & parents.
While receiving trainer instruction, she sat on her towel and listen just as if to say,
“ bring it on.”😄😄😄😄😄

Amachi is the true offspring of your never ending work.
Thank you for your dedication.   The linkage she shows is a visible
walking  four legged love that makes me happy every minute.
Thank you, fyi, not sure you should retire.😊😊😊😊

SC (name withheld, to protect the innocent  ;>)  Pretty terrific, eh?  I’m so proud.  And this is why I do it the way that I do.  Whoo hoo!)

Yours truly,