18 February 2021
Who knew?

I read that the most memorable thing about an Aries Monkey is their ability to entertain through language. ‘They’ say that an Aries Monkey can ‘talk your ear off’. Well, I certainly hope that whatever that means, you will be entertained. ;>)
So, to the topic at hand!
We’re in the middle of constant in home entertainment & stimulation, let me tell you; Guinness x Piper’s six puppies are hitting their stride, enjoying play time outside in the snow, enduring crate training, loving car training & the new places they get to enjoy – and transitioning to big boy treats like Stella & Chewy’s freeze dried lamb patties, frozen loin lamb chops and the best of all? Supervised protected play with Lillibet, their eleven week old hoodlum cousin out of Questa x Koko. She is Kensington’s E. Lilli, The 1st by Q. I train with the mantra: one hour out? Three hours in. And that is how crate training begins, here at Kensington.

Some months ago, I told someone that I’d realized Kensington is my ‘life’s work’. I’ve enjoyed every business challenge thrown at me, from bankruptcy turnarounds & warding off the IRS to designing & implementing quality control strategies at a sock manufacturer. In retrospect, I even value having been kicked in the teeth by a near bankruptcy at Fat City and the soul searching that comes with chosen retirement after a planned three year consulting gig runs its course.
Enter Piper. Total curve ball.
Lady Pipes came to me as a leased bitch from a fellow breeder in Colorado. She’s an expensive girl and the only dog I’ve ever had to pay for, twice. First, I leased her at the same cost as buying her. Then, her first breeding didn’t take. Progesterones, TCIs and several veterinary procedures later, we learned she was a ‘pseudo hermaphrodite’. More on THAT, another time.

Then, I ‘bought’ her. And then? Her second breeding was missed, as my boys were immature and I sincerely believe that things happen for a reason. Third breeding was successful and we have the most delicious puppies out of Guinness x Piper to share with the world. Six gumdrops: three apparently black & whites and three brindle & whites. I joke that she’s cost me $6K . . . and she has! But you know what? If you’ve got the money, don’t bitch about it. ;>) Pipes is a gorgeous dolly wolly and I’m grateful that she’s part of the Kensington pack. We had two forever ladies for this litter here during these last few days and would you look at the photo Beth took of Lady Pipes yesterday.

Please be clear that NO PUPPIES ARE AVAILABLE OUT OF THIS LITTER! Terribly sorry to disappoint – but – there are NO KENSINGTON PUPPIES AVAILABLE until well into 2022. Don’t even ask, thank you very much.
What I DO want to say is how much I appreciate all of you wonderful peeps who trust me & believe in me, enough to be willing to wait. It takes time, energy, my mind, my heart and lots of driving to do what I do. It takes support from my peer breeders and dear friends; doggie au pairs and pals; and my handler, Rebecca Bradley. Covid’s even been a bit of a blessing, if you can imagine such a thing. It is the natural orientation of an Aries Monkey to see the bright side, take control and organize. And I am doing my best for all of you.

So, as much as one can ‘take control’ of a herd of cats, I would like to introduce this latest litter. They are a fascinating combination of Atisha & Kensington – and crazy as it sounds? It is a ‘related outcross’.
Each puppy is beautiful and several are superb. Non, they’re not perfect but there is no ‘perfect dog’. I think that is what they tell us, to keep us going. ;>) Guinness x Piper puppies will be joining their forever homes in late February/early March at nine weeks and they’ll be landing in New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Maine and Illinois.
Kensington’s next litter will be sired by Julius, ne Kristof: Enchanter Kristof Erbosedition. He is enjoying life with Jen, Andy and his favorite girl, Miss Paige. Julius is being shown by Andy (his owner handler) and has four points to date. Two Majors and eleven more points and he’ll be the proud recipient of an AKC CH Conformation title.

We look forward to celebrating his achievement!
Oh, happy day!
Thank you, as always! for your support & patience. Anyone out there with a kid who wants to become a vet? Send ’em my way. I’d love to share what I’ve learned in the last thirty years. And I would welcome any and all of you for a visit via ZOOM.
Yours truly,
Wendyll Behrend.